Tuesday, March 8, 2011


                                                           JOINT EXERCISE

Our first project for the year we were given a sheet with four diffrent joints that we had to cut out and make an replica off. We had to pick out a a timber at the length of 580mm and width 75mm. Scale of 1:25 and for the Dovetail Bevel were given 6mm down and 1mm in. I started off real good feeling confident about the exercise given to us. Along the way i had little hick-ups and bumps but overall i think i did an awsome job! So Randal(our tutor) says.

           Four Diffirent Types of Joints:
                1. Corner Halving
                2. Stopped the Halving 
                3. Single Dovetailed Halving
                4. Dovetailed Halving

Corner Halving                                                             

                                        Here we have some exsamples of the kind of joints we did.
                                We have the top one witch is call Corner Halving and at the
                                    bottom we have the dificault one of all the Dovetailed Halving!

                                                                                   Dovetailed Halving

Because the ratio of 6mm by 1mm was to small for our Dove Tailed joints,
                      we were made to make the ratio of 6:1 to 60:10 to make and accurate 
                      measurement on our dovetailed joints.

For our joints we used a chisle,hammer, hand saw, 
square ruler, even some that i had never seen befor 
such as the Ruler that extends out to 1meter.


Along the way i had little issues here and there, some big some minnor but with a little help from our tutor i was ok again. With my Corner Halving joint, i cut passed on one of the lines that i had crossed out. With a little common-sense i measured my next line on the long piece of wood just above the half way line i had measured out. From this mistake of mines, i learnt a valuable lesson, witch was to always cut out one piece a time and to always double check. Besides my first major mess up with my corner halving joint, i had other minnor problems with my other joints, such as chiped edges, short sided and gaps between joints.


  1. This is good Lupe. You have the correct ratio for the dove tail, but did you measure 6mm and 1mm? What other dimmensions could you use to make this easier and more accurate?
    Also make a comment on what tools you used.
    What hic-ups did you have and what did you do to correct these?

  2. Because the ratio of 6mm by 1mm was to small we were made to make the ratio of 6:1 to 60:10 to make and acurate measurement on our dovetailed joints. For our joints we used a chisle,hammer, hand saw, square ruler, even some that i had never seen befor such as the Ruler that extends out to 1meter.

    Along the way i had little issues here and there, some big some minnor but with a little help from our tutor i was ok again. With my Corneer Halving joint, i cut passed on one of the lines that i had crossed out. With a little common-sense i mesuared my next line on the long piece of wood just above the half way line i had mesuared out. From this mistake of mines, i learnt a valuable lesson, witch was to always cut out one piece a time and to always double check. Besides my first major mess up with my coner halving joint, i had other minnor problems with my other joints, such as chiped edges, short sided and gaps between joints.
