Monday, February 21, 2011


February 21st 2011 and it was my first year at Tertiary study at Manukau Institute of Technology. I arrive at 7.50, ten minutes early. An hour pass I am still waiting for our tutors and the rest of our class to show up.  We were finally greeted and being put into classes. I got a tutor name Randal Brown, whom seemed like a nice bloke with skin bold. We then moved into a work-shop where we mixed and mingled with our class mates. 

A couple of minutes later we had the Health, Safety and Enviroment Manager come in and drill(as Randal would say) into our heads the importants of Health and Safety. we also had the MIT Saqurity Manager give us Rules and Regulations on parking spaces in and around Manukau Institute of Technology.  After an hour break we walked around North and South Campus checking the diffrent buildings and course departments. To finish of the day we had a little fun and games out in the sun playing Thor and a Measurement game.

Oh did i mention that the tutors are kick back? Well yeah, our tutor and so is all the tutors are the most kick back people i've met. My class mates were allright! Made a couple of friends on my first day. Overall i thought my first day went well. 

February 22 2011, secound day today and I arrive to class bang on time. Brand new day and i was excited for Uni. We start our long day off with little paper work, just ticking off an industrial check list and going over what we learnt the day before. Boring! Our tutor being cool as he is decides to entertain us with a couple of funny youtube videos. Hilarious staff! 

10am Break time!

10.15am we enter the Computer Lap over at the Business Department, and im still excited to be at  Uni today. We got given our user-names and passwords to log into the computers and we were off setting our new passwords. My computer was slow and being an inpatient person i am, i got a little ticked off! I turned to the back of me to find that one of the student could not log on which put me to ease again. Away i went again, head down following the instructions given to us by Nick. Oh Nick is another tutor at the Carpentry department, a very funny Indian sr. Hes giving us instructions from left to right running around helping other students, and i was in my own little corner struggling to follow his instructions, my computer was not helping at all. I finally manage to find the site and i started on the my BLOG, and here i am writing. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lupe, Nick runs around from left to right giving instructions to tutors as well!

    My apologies for not responding to your blog. From what I have seen so far it is very good!
